Life Transforming Initiatives As Rwanda Celebrates World AIDS Day

Dream Village participants holding a banner

Life Transforming Initiatives As Rwanda Celebrates World AIDS Day

Besides COVID-19, HIV/AIDS pandemic is one of the most disruptive threats to Rwanda’s socia-economic development. .

Over 220,000 people are HIV positive out of a 12 million total population with a prevalence of 3% nationwide and the highest numbers being in Kigali with over 54,000 cases.

The government, through support of the US government (Rwf1.6trillion over 20 years) has managed to provide free testing, medication-antiretroviral therapy (ART), and to bring services close to beneficiaries.


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Dream village has been empowering HIV positive young adults and youth to reach their potential. Their aim is to make them have a positive and sustainable impact to the society where by they can realize and nurture their visions.

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