Dream Village Has Partnered With Braille Without Borders Germany

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Dream Village Has Partnered With Braille Without Borders Germany

Dream village in partnership with Braille without Borders Germany is running a social change project for social change makers in the HIV/ Aids Field.

HIV / Aids needs a holistic approach where many partners have to come together and brain storm new strategies of reducing new infections, counseling, supporting, and giving hope to people both affected and infected by the pandemic.

The desired change starts with us:

What are you doing to change your life and the life of other for better? Join Dream Village as we spearhead the cause as we restore hope in persons living with HIV.

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Dream village has been empowering HIV positive young adults and youth to reach their potential. Their aim is to make them have a positive and sustainable impact to the society where by they can realize and nurture their visions.

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Developed by Success Arena