Get Involved

Share among your networks

Become an Ambassador

You can share with friends and networks about the work we do. You can as well join our fundraising campaigns to raise resources and spreading the programs that we offer. If you have passion this, this is exactly your time.

One of our guest giving first to one of our beneficiaries
One lady performing an art form
One guy taking class for a group of women along with kids of some of them where most of them are sitting on the floor outside

Train our participants

Become a Catalyst

You can join Dream village and assist in training our participants, communities or join us in our outreaches. If you have the passion, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can give your full time or a number of hours or days according to your schedule.

Interest in supporting our graduates?

Become a Mentor

Do you have interest in supporting graduates from Dream village? You can channel your support here through sharing your personal and professional experiences with them. Mentoring could involve a number of areas for focus and a number of skills. All your skills are welcome. The mentoring program is voluntary.

Help People in Need

Become a Volunteer Now



Dream village has been empowering HIV positive young adults and youth to reach their potential. Their aim is to make them have a positive and sustainable impact to the society where by they can realize and nurture their visions.

© Copyright 2023 - Dream Village

Developed by Success Arena